A Word from Your Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
What is parish pastoral council?
According to our diocesan guidelines and PPC Handbook, the purpose of PPC is to act as stewards of the parish mission and to advise the pastor on practical matters of parish life. The council studies matters brought to its attention, reflects on them thoughtfully, evaluates on them and draws sound conclusions. The council presents these conclusions to the pastor in the form of recommendations. This three-fold task of the council – investigating, considering, and recommending conclusions – is called pastoral planning.
Who are the PPC members?
The Parish Pastoral Council is composed of members who represent a cross section of the parish community and may be involved with other ministries. These members, through their diversity, are a valuable tool in assessing the needs and interests of all parishioners at Saint Lawrence. The PPC holds monthly meetings throughout the year on the second Wednesday of each month. Council members serve for a term of three years, which can be renewed.
What gifts and talents should council members possess?
According to the diocesan guidelines, council members should be Catholics who are committed to the Eucharist and the Word of God. They should be good listeners, be able to envision the future, results-oriented, be good at negotiating and building consensus, and be attentive to details.
How does someone become a council member?
Saint Lawrence Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is currently seeking out five (5) new at-large parishioner members using guidelines provided by the diocese and the handbook (refer to link above). Three out of the five open seats on PPC are Chairperson, Vice-Chair, and Recorder. The process begins with the nomination of parishioners based on the “gifts and talents” paragraph above. The Pastor sends letters of invitation to these “nominees”, asking them to prayerfully consider giving of their time and talent / industry skill-set. After that, the nominees continue to prayerfully discern their readiness to serve and then let the Pastor and the current council know their decision.
If you would like to nominate someone to serve on the PPC, please send an e-mail to Attn: Fr. Ernesto Orci [email protected] stating your reason(s) for nomination as well as the contact information listed. You may nominate yourself as well.