The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and wonderful part of our Catholic tradition. We aim to honor requests for Mass Intentions to the best of our ability according to the Code of Canon Law for the universal Roman Catholic Church and diocesan policy. In our parish there are many requests for the scheduling of Mass Intentions.
As a way to allow as many parishioners and friends as possible to schedule a Mass, the following policies have been established.
It is recommended that Mass Intentions are scheduled at least TWO MONTHS in advance to increase the probability of obtaining the Mass date and time desired. We will try our best to grant your Mass intention on the specific date requested. We can not promise that each Mass intention will be celebrated on the specific date requested.
Requests will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis in the order in which the form is received at the Parish Office
Requests for Mass intentions may be requested on the telephone, online via the form below or mailed into the Parish Office
6 Mass intentions may be requested at a time when using the online form
A $10 offering, as determined by diocesan policy (#206), is to accompany each Mass request
Offerings may be mailed or dropped off in the mail slot at the Parish Office or submitted online. Please click on the Mass Intention Online Donation page to submit your offering online.
Mass intentions for the following year may be scheduled as early as October 1
One Mass every Sunday must be scheduled for the intentions of our parishioners known as “Pro Populo” (For the People) as required by Canon Law (Canon 534) and diocesan statute (#206)
Multiple Mass intentions per Mass will not be scheduled as priests may only accept one offering for any one Mass per Canon Law and diocesan policy (which is regulated by the bishop) to prevent abuses. This is the principle of One Mass, One offering (Diocesan statute #206 and canons 945-958 of the Code of Canon Law). “Even the semblance of trafficking or trading is to be entirely excluded from Mass offerings” (Canon 947).
Mass Intentions will be not be rescheduled if verbal announcement was not heard during Mass. When someone schedules a Mass Intention the priest or his representative commits the celebration of the Mass according to the intentions of the person making the offering. Priests are under a strict obligation to remember the person for whom the Mass is being offered and it can be presumed that the priest will offer the Mass as requested. The intention is a spiritual act and its publication neither adds nor subtracts from its validity. Indeed, publicly announcing the intention is done for the comfort of those requesting the Mass Intention and not for the benefit of the deceased or those for whom the Mass is being offered. God honors the intention of the heart.
If there is a time conflict with the requested date/time, a member of the parish staff will contact you to arrange an alternative date and time or if there are any changes that need to be made to the request.