Happy 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We also welcome Fr. Robert Carleton, a Maryknoll missionary, to St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish for our Mission Co-Op Sunday.
That is a lot of things happening on one Sunday during August and the added bonus is this will also be the final Sunday before the opening of our parish school on August 18th. So many blessings from the generous love of God.
The Maryknoll Fathers and their mission has been present in our diocese for 110 years. On the anniversary of 100 years in Los Altos, Fr. Carleton when asked what the mission of Maryknoll was, answered with this: “(The mission) is to help people by living the teachings of Jesus.” This short and succinct answer has formed the life of Maryknoll priests, sisters and brothers and the many lay missionaries throughout the last century.
This call to live the Gospel is for all Christians but Maryknoll has a special call to reach out to God’s children in places forgotten and often abandoned by their governments.
We are called to support the missionary work done by the Catholic Church around the world because this is the root of our church to be a missionary, a pilgrim people going out to share the good news, not in extravagant or grandiose ways, but by simply bringing the Word of God, Jesus Christ, into the dark corners of the world. I ask you to generously support this important work of the Church through the Maryknoll mission with you prayers and financial gifts.
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is such a blessing as she watches over us, her children, at Jesus’ side in heaven. The below quotes are from an article written by Dr. Edward Sri’s on the Assumption for the Franciscan Spirit Blog,
“First, in discussing the assumption, the Catechism affirms that Mary did not suffer from original sin but was conceived full of grace. According to this doctrine, known as the Immaculate Conception, God’s supernatural life dwelt in Mary from the very beginning of her existence.”
“Second, the Catechism teaches that Mary was taken to heaven when the course of her earthly life was finished. The Church does not declare whether Mary died and then was assumed into heaven or whether she was assumed before she died. It leaves open both possibilities.”
“Third, the Catechism affirms that Mary was taken body and soul into heavenly glory right at the end of her earthly life.”